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천주님께서도 깜짝 놀라실 이슬람 세계 아라비아 아부다비에서의 교황님 미사 !

금주 교황님 말씀 중에 / Holy Father's Speech       

아라비아에서 미사하시는 교황님The Pope Franciscus, Pater, Magister, et Pastor in Arabia, United Arab Emirates, !

글 : Msgr. Byon

<편집자 해설 표현>

천주님께서도  깜짝 놀라신

이슬람의 본산지 아랍 아부다비에서의

교황님 미사 봉헌!!! 17만명 군중 참석 !

 Pater, Magister, et Pastor noster Pontifex Maximus Papa  Romanus  Franciscus, Ave ! in nomine Domini ! 

- Msgr. Peter Byon from Corea.
   교황 프란치스코 성하께서 역사적인 아라비아 이슬람 지역 아부다비를 방문하시고, 천주교 미사를 봉헌하였습니다. 아부다비 체육관 내외를  가득 메우고, 체육관 외부에까지 모두 약 17만명 내외의 군중이 모여 함께 미사를 봉헌하였습니다. 교황님은 지상 교회 신도들의 아버지(Pater fidelium in Ecclesia super terram)이시고, 세계 만민의 스승(Magister humani generis omnium gentium)이시며, 천상에 계신 구세주 그리스도의 지상 대리자이시고, 사도 베드로의 후계자(Pastor noster ovium Domini)이십니다. 머지 않아, 북경과 평양에도 오셔서 아부다비에서처럼 역사적인 미사성제를 우리 모두 함께 바칠 수 있도록 기도합시다. 아직도 공산주의 사상으로 움직이는 나라들은, 이슬람의 나라들보다도 신앙의 자유를 더 억압하고 있음을 밝히 볼 수 있습니다.  - Msgr. Byon 
2019.02.06 Udienza Generale
Pope Francis at the weekly General Audience  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis: Journey to UAE part of the “surprises” of God

At his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis reflects on his Apostolic Journey to the United Arab Emirates.
By Christopher Wells
Although brief, the Apostolic Journey to the United Arab Emirates “wrote a new page in the history of dialogue between Christianity and Islam,” Pope Francis said Wednesday, “and in the commitment to promote peace in the world on the basis of human fraternity”.

Keeping the love of Christ at heart

Speaking at the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis said that he was mindful that his Journey — the first ever papal visit to the Arabian Peninsula —  came during the 800th anniversary of St Francis of Assisi’s encounter with the Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil. “I thought about St Francis during this journey”, the Pope said. “It helped me to keep the Gospel, the love of Jesus Christ, in my heart as I experienced the various moments of the visit”.

Sons and daughters of God

Pope Francis went on to reflect on some of the high points of the Journey. He pointed to the signing of the Document on Human Fraternity, with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, which the Pope said represents another step forward. In this document, he said, “we affirmed the common vocation of all men and women to be brothers and sisters, insofar as all are children of God”. The two leaders also condemned “every form of violence, especially those clothed in religious motivations”, and committed themselves “to spreading authentic values and peace throughout the world”. The Holy Father encouraged people to read the Document “because it gives so much impetus to move forward in the dialogue on human fraternity”.

Defending common values

Pope Francis noted that there is “a strong temptation” in our day “to see a clash between Christian and Islamic civilization, and to consider religions as a source of conflicts”. He explained that the signing of the document was meant to be a “clear and decisive” sign that, “despite a diversity of cultures and traditions, the Christian world and the Islamic world appreciate and defend common values”.

Praying for peace and justice

Finally, the Holy Father reflected on his encounter with the Christian people who live in the UAE. During the Mass at Zayed Sports City Stadium, he said, “we prayed in a particular way for peace and justice, with special intentions for the Middle East, and for Yemen” in particular.
The Apostolic Journey to the United Arab Emirates “relates to the ‘surprises’ of God”, the Pope said in conclusion. “So let praise Him and His providence, and pray that the seeds sown might bring forth fruits according to His holy will”.
06 February 2019, 11:58
입력 : 2019.02.07 오전 10:32:11
Copyright ⓒ 변기영 몬시뇰 사랑방 Servant Hall of Msgr. Byon 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

Writer : Msgr. Byon    Date : 2019-02-09 15:45   Hit. 2920
다음글 : 참으로 반갑고, 기쁜 소식입니다. ! 수원교구 출신 최현순 박사 서강대학교에서 교수로 임명 !
이전글 : 神 愛 論 (성 프란치스코 살레시오 주교 원저) 한국어 번역본 재판 준비 착수 !
천진암성지 소식지(2019년 1월호)
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