




이번주 풍경소리

  • 이번주 풍경소리
성금 봉헌 안내시복시성 추진성지안내 조감도


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  1. 이번주 풍경소리

오늘 南北 指導者 會議 위한 祈禱 !Prayer of today for the leaders' meeting of the Korean penisula !
Prayer of today for the leaders' meeting of the Korean penisula !

오늘 南北 指導者 會議 위한 祈禱 !

O, Lord, our God of our people, we pray, almighty God,

for the leaders' meeting in Pan Moon Jeom of cease fire line

today that the divine providence, who called them today

will be accomplished entirely,

but never their both sides' individual human will

can be done!

- Msgr. Peter Byon

Our prayers of today for the leaders' meeting

in Pan Moon Jeom,cease fire line of the Korean penisula

2018. 27, April !

Prayer of today for the leaders' meeting of the Korean penisula !

오늘 南北 指導者 會議 위한 祈禱 !

O, Lord, our God of our people, we pray, almighty God,

for the leaders' meeting in Pan Moon Jeom of cease fire line

today that the divine providence, who called them today

will be accomplished entirely,

but never their both sides' individual human will

can be done! 

- Msgr. Peter Byon

Our prayers of today for the leaders' meeting

in Pan Moon Jeom,cease fire line of the Korean penisula

2018. 27, April !

오늘 南北 指導者 會議 위한 우리의 祈禱 .

주님, 오늘 휴전선 판문점에 모이는 남북 지도자들의 소원과 뜻대로 되지 말고,

그곳에 저들을 불러 모으시는 분, 하느님의 뜻대로 이루어지게 하소서!

O, Lord, our God of our people, we pray, almighty God, for the leaders' meeting in Pan Moon Jeom of cease fire line today that the divine providence, who called them today will be accomplished entirely, but never their both sides' individual human will can be done!  - Msgr. Peter Byon

Writer : Msgr. Byon    Date : 2018-04-27 06:56   Hit. 1387
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